Quick Start

There are three main ways to set up working environment for InnoFW

Pre-requisite steps

  1. install python 3.8-3.9 to your system
  2. clone project git clone https://github.com/InnopolisUni/innofw.git
  3. enter the project folder cd innofw

Using pip package manager

  1. create virtual environment python -m venv venv
  2. activate the virtual environment source venv/bin/activate
  3. install packages pip install -r requirements.txt

Using poetry package manager

  1. install packages to poetry poetry install
  2. enter the created virtual environment poetry shell

Test installation

To check that project is ready run tests

pytest tests/

Extra: Using Docker

  1. build the docker image docker build . -t innofw
  2. Start a container sudo docker run -td innofw bash
  3. Find container's id sudo docker ps
  4. enter the "CONTAINER ID" for latest IMAGE "innofw" sudo docker exec -it {container_id} bash

Train a model

  1. create a configuration file for the experiment
python train.py experiments=KA_s39sdk32_209932_test_config

Test your model

python test.py experiments=KA_s39sdk32_209932_test_config

Make an inference

python infer.py experiments=KA_s39sdk32_209932_test_config