Uploading Data and Model Checkpoints to Amazon S3

There are two methods for uploading data and model checkpoints to Amazon S3: using the API and the command line interface (CLI). Both options will be covered in this tutorial.

When uploading data or a model using either the command line interface (CLI) or an API, you have the option to omit the access_key and secret_key arguments. The framework will search for these values in the ~/.aws/credentials and .env files. However, if these values are not found, you will be prompted in CLI.

Uploading data

To upload data you need to have the dataset config file that must be stored in config/datasets folder. Here is the example:

# classification/classification_mnist.yaml
  - image-classification

name: mnist
description: "description"

markup_info: markup info
date_time: 01.08.2022

_target_: innofw.core.datamodules.lightning_datamodules.image_folder_dm.ImageLightningDataModule

  target: ./data/mnist/train
  target: ./data/mnist/test
  target: ./data/mnist/infer

The necessary fields are train and test target. These paths must contain train and test folders inside correspondingly. The data folder for example above looks like this:

└── mnist/
    ├── train/
    │   └── train/
    ├── test/
    │   └── test/
    └── infer/
        └── infer/


To upload data using the API use the provided Python code snippet, specifying the appropriate values.

from innofw.data_mart import upload_dataset

                access_key = "access key",
                secret_key = "secret key")


Alternatively, you can upload data to S3 using the CLI. Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the appropriate values.

python innofw/data_mart/uploader.py --dataset_config_path classification/config.yaml \
                                    --remote_save_path  https://api.blackhole.ai.innopolis.university/public-datasets/test_dataset/ \
                                    --access_key access_key --secret_key secret_key

Uploading model checkpoint to s3

To upload your checkpoint, you need to specify the config file for your experiment, which should be stored in the config/experiments folder. Additionally, provide the path to the checkpoint and specify the metrics you want to save.


You can call this Python function to upload a checkpoint with appropriate values.

from innofw.zoo import upload_model

            ckpt_path = "pretrained/best.pkl",
            remote_save_path = "https://api.blackhole.ai.innopolis.university/pretrained/model.pickle",
            metrics = {"some metric": 0.04},
            access_key = "access key",
            secret_key = "secret key")


You can also use the CLI to upload your model checkpoint. Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the appropriate values.

python innofw/zoo/uploader.py --ckpt_path pretrained/best.pkl\
                              --experiment_config_path classification/config.yaml\
                              --remote_save_path https://api.blackhole.ai.innopolis.university/pretrained/testing/lin_reg_house_prices.pickle\
                              --metrics '{"some metric": 0.04}'\
                              --access_key access_key --secret_key secret_key